Pie Noon, part 9

This comic is a week late, for which I apologise. I had planned to draw it once I got back from work on Monday 04 February because I didn’t have time to do it over the weekend, as I usually do, thanks to being away visiting family. Unfortunately I was taken into hospital on Monday and spent a lot of the week there. Don’t worry though, I’m fine and hopefully there won’t be any more visits to casualty in the near future. Anyway, since the comic was delayed so long I decided to put it up the following Monday instead of trying to do two episodes almost back-to-back.

Regular visitors to the site will have noticed several days of ‘outage’ this week. These were not my fault, they were the result of idiots using basic wannabee hacker tools to bypass the site’s security, in the vain hope of being able to add redirect code to the index.php file. It seems that instead of pointing to the correct portion of code that runs this website, they wanted you to be redirected to their own website, where they would undoubtedly be selling something both stupid and illegal. Suffice to say they sucked at coding almost as much as they suck at life in general, so all they managed to do was render the site unusable until I got out of hospital and fixed it.

Over the next few days I’ll be undertaking several security increases to prevent these idiots from being able to deprive you of your enjoyment of the comic. Until then, stay vigilant! 🙂

Zoe Kirk-Robinson

Writer, artist, vlogger. Creator of Britain's first webcomic.